Tuesday 6 September 2011

Oh to be Selene, and to share a stolen night with the God I love

During the time of an Arcadian harvest season, the autumn flowers in bloom, and the fruit vines heavy with their ripened yield, there walked through the long, sunlit grass, a God.

God of music, laughter, dancing, panic and frenzy. The lord of shepherds, flocks and pasture, of the mountains and the wilderness, lover of the nymphs, chaser of beautiful women and seducer of handsome young men… The Great God Pan.
He walked into a pasture filled with the best of the sheep in all of Greece, healthy, with wool of the purist white. Pan played a single note on his pipes, and the largest of these sheep came to him, bowed their heads to their lord, and breathed their last breath. Displaying both magic and care, Pan skinned the sheep, and returned their bodies back to the land. He then stuffed the skins into his pack, flung it over his shoulder, and proceeded from the pasture, and deep into the forest.
Pan then climbed the highest mountain slopes in all of Arcadia, making his way to a large grove. Waiting for him there were three of the biggest and whitest oxen ever seen. He then built himself a great fire, and set about decorating his horns and hair with white flowers, a silver chain around his neck, a white cloak draped across his shoulders, and the pure white skins of the sheep wrapped around his hoofed goat-like legs.
Standing upon the mountainside, he watched the sun sink. He threw more logs on the fire, and as twilight crept in, he played a single note on his pipes. As he played his pipes, each of the great oxen walked towards him, lowered their heads to their lord, and walked willingly into the fire.
Before the full moon, and with great care, Pan played his pipes, the ringing notes blowing the smoke of the sacrificial fire towards the silver wheel shining above. The smoke danced in time with the music he played, reaching, and stretching towards the moon as it worked it’s way through the sky, bringing the night with it.
When the moon had risen high above the grove where Pan was dancing and playing, a shaft of light came down, bathing Pan in the purest white, lighting him up as if it were a spotlight. The light shone on the flowers in his hair, his cloak, the silver around his neck, and the white furs wrapped around his legs, giving off the appearance he was glowing.
The light played against his body as he danced, his music, and the moon’s light flirting with each other, teasing, taunting, testing, curious and inviting. As the moonlight filled the grove til it was almost blinding, Pan changed his song of invocation to a sweet serenade, a song of seduction and surrender, sensual and enticing.
When the moon had filled the sky above the grove, so that not a single star could be seen, a figure slowly took shape, forming out of the smoke and moonlight, radiant and feminine. As white as the moon, as dark as the night. She twirled and spun in dance, as smoke dances on a night breeze.
Passion filled the grove as the very air shivered with anticipation, and lust burst from Pan’s Pipes, into the surrounding mountainside, mixing with the crystal clear laughter ringing from the throat of the Moon Goddess Selene, who was drawn down by Pan’s music, enticed by the sacrifice, and the beautiful adornments he wore. Selene joined him in his leaping and whirling dance.
Pan placed his pipes in the air, and there they hovered, still playing sweet and sensual sounds. He took Selene by the waist, spun, and danced with her, flirted with her, and seduced her completely, much to the delight of both of them.
Thus the God of Nature and the Goddess of the Moon lay down together in a wooded grove immersed in bright silver light, their passion spread out through the night air and over the land.
On that night all who hunted by the light of the moon returned with a kill that would feed their families well. The moon shone so brightly that the shepherds could see their furry charges clearly as the day, and lost not a single member of their flocks All the animals slept still and silent, knowing
no predator would hunt them. Young couples stole away from their homes, into the breathless night, drawn as if by magic, and made love whispering sweet nothings to each other. Their parents too busy in their own beds, rekindling old flames of passion long forgotten to notice the absence of their seduced daughters and sons.
Dew drops formed on the grass and reflected the brilliance of the moon, the unseen creatures of the Earth and Sky danced together, celebrating. It was as if the whole world was just that little bit more alive.
The God of Nature, and the Goddess of the Moon pleasured each other until the birds began the dawn chorus, and the moon had slipped away from sight. As it did, Selene bid her lover a fond farewell , and slipped away with it.
As the sun rose, the fiery chariot of Apollo passed overhead. Apollo, looking down, spied Pan, lounging in the wooded grove. He asked the Goat Foot God what he had been up to during the night. The Great God Pan grinned devilishly, and replied that he had done nothing, nothing at all . And wrapping himself in his cloak, he slept.

)O( Scorpiana xxx

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